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How To Optimize Your LinkedIn

Hi! I’m Britt, Executive Career Coach and Career Transition Champion. Every day I help my clients land interviews, prepare for them, and get jobs that change their life. 

LinkedIn Networking
How To Optimize Your LinkedIn

I have had a lot of questions lately about LinkedIn, and how to better use it. Believe it or not, there are specific things that you can do to help your visibility. These are tactical, real things, so pull up your LinkedIn and let's get started.

The first LinkedIn best practice that is crucial to complete is getting your account verified. This occurs when you confirm with LinkedIn that you are who you say you are.

If you are verified, you will have a little check mark badge next to your name that looks like this:

Get verified on LinkedIn
Verification on LinkedIn

If you do not have the above checkmark, click “VERIFY” next to your name and follow the prompts. You will need your phone!

Here is what LinkedIn has to say about getting verified:

"At LinkedIn, we know that authenticity is key to creating meaningful interactions. A verification badge on your profile shows that you were able to confirm specific information about your account, such as your:

  • Identity

  • Workplace

  • Educational institution

Verified information helps provide authenticity signals to others that you are who you say you are. Verifications can also help you make more informed decisions about connecting with other professionals, as you can see their verified information on their profiles."

There are several more things you can do to ensure your profile is being seen, and I talk all about them in my LINKEDIN NETWORKING download. It's only $9.99 and goes over several other ways to get your profile seen.

I also have other career courses that will help you live your dream life! Check them out!

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